Where we at

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Owens Cove to DeWayne Hayes, anchor

While the plan was to put in 50 miles, and normally that's about 5 hours for us, our day turned long again. We left the anchorage around 7 am and dropped the hook a little after 5 pm. But we did get 5 more locks behind us. 

The first lock was the easiest as we locked through by ourselves. The 2nd lock (we could tell by AIS) had a couple of boats already in it. But the locks talk to each other so they knew we were coming. We offered to let them go and wait for the next cycle, but they held it for us. We jammed down there, hoping not to make the other folks wait too long.

This section of the Tombigbee has locks fairly close together, about 5 to 10 miles apart. As a result, you might try to speed off to the next lock, but odds are the lock master would hold for everyone. We were a group.

Glasslike water today. No fog at all.
The day went fairly smoothly, although we traveled slower than we normally travel since one of us was a sailboat. They tend not to move very fast. We only go as fast as the slowest of us.

At the last lock, the sailboat turned off to a marina. The remaining boats reached the lock only to find out it is in repair. We were allowed to tie on the long wall but had to wait about a hour for the work boat to leave the lock. Then they could raise it, gather us, and let us down. And after that, we still had a 2 hour ride ahead of us.

Us, taken by the
crew of Alegria.
Thank you, 
Rosemary and Clarke!
Fewer locks over the next 2 or three days, but there's no way we'll make Demopolis Thursday. Friday is the target now.

Total lock count: 73

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