Where we at

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Sad day in DC

The new view. We're on an mooring ball.
When news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg hit our news feeds we were heartbroken. This nation needs more strong women leaders, not fewer. That on our minds we took a walk to the Supreme Court. We weren't the only ones.

Yesterday other loopers we knew. Kathleen and Michael of Apres Sail, live in Virginia (long story, that) and took a road trip to have lunch with Jayne, Jonathon, and us. We accidentally discovered an amazing Mexican restaurant, Mi Vida. If you get here order the TatoNachos -- maybe the best nachos we've ever had.

Temps yesterday were in the 70s. Highs today just in the 60s, and the lows in the low 50s. We went from mid-summer to late fall temps in a single day, totally missing any perfect boating weather.

Crowds for RBG

The Capitol, empty for a Saturday

Looking across the park from the Capitol, 
Washington Monument in the distance.

A bunch of hoopla going on today.

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