Where we at

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Seaside to NYC!, marina

The original plan was to wait until Friday to make the run up the coast to New York. Last night, however, we were convinced going this afternoon would be, well, not as good, but good enough. And then we'd be in New York!

A couple of things convinced us. First there weren't any convenient anchorages in Manasquan, near the inlet. We stayed in a marina there last year, and it was crazy expensive, as much as staying in NYC. The second thing was the weather, which was looking better and better. We talked it over with our buddy boat, High Tide, and they agreed.

Ideally we wanted to hit the Atlantic around noon. That gave us enough time to stop at Trader Cove State Park to pump out before we go.

The canal out of Seaside up to Manasquan.
Lovely, ain't it!
We got to the inlet a little early, around 11 am. Going out it was... bracing. Terrifying. More exciting that I wanted it to be. But it didn't last long. We had 5-6 foot rollers coming at us. Riding them was like being on a bucking bronco (not that's I'd know), with steep up and downs and banging on the bottom. As we headed out deeper into the ocean the slowed in frequency and height. We made a quick turn and headed up the coast.

This just doesn't do the experience justice.
We're bobbin' and rollin' in 3 - 4 foot rollers.
The movie looks like we're standing still.

Getting closer!
The first hour was 3 - 4 foot rollers on our quarter stern. No slamming though, so I spent most of my time going "woooooOOOOOOooooo" as if we were on a roller coaster. That slowed to only the occasionally "woo" as the day went on.

Then came the crazy that is New York Harbor. Slightly shallow (although, nothing like what we'd done the last 3 days), it was full of speedy ferries and looming container ships, sprinkled with the occasional cruise liner. Lots to look out for, and lots of chop and wakes to manage.

Us! Thank you Mary of High Tide
But manage we did! We docked with little issue in One 15 Brooklyn. It's a surgy marina, tormenting our lines throughout the day, but the view is spectacular.

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