No Rush, having guests who wanted to do a couple more stops, left our rafting group yesterday after the fort tour. They headed to Vergennes for the night, planning to arrive in Burlington Friday. We were going to do the same thing -- head to Vergennes Friday then meet up with them Saturday. We got information from Jamie about the slow zone through the little river there, and it looked like that would turn a 3 1/2 hours of travel into 4 or 5, which is tough for the
Highwind folks, who need to get on phones. So we changed our plans; we would snag balls at the LCMM, then go onto Burlington from there.
This morning, Russ and I quietly dropped our lines and headed out about a half hour before Highwind. The weather was calm. Not only was the lake lovely but it's getting crazy deep, too. We had some depths over 200 feet.
Getting hilly |
We arrived without incident, having made some power and water while underway. The first couple of balls we checked didn't have pendants for us to tie to. We took the last two.
Lake Champlain Memorial Lighthouse |
If the rain stays off for a few more hours we'll head to the nearby resort for dinner. Rain is on its way, that's for sure. Should be a soggy trip tomorrow.
Cliffs along the water line
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