Go north! |
Wonderful day on the rivers. Passed a number of tows, some coming, some going but mostly the day was pleasant, sunny, and warm.
It was a shame to leave when we really didn't get to spend any time in Mobile. Russ got back around 6 pm from his trip to New Orleans. We went to downtown Mobile to eat some Mexican food at a place called Roosters (which I'm so looking forward to going back to!). Then we took the car back to the airport to return it and Lyfted back to the boat.
Funnily enough, out Lyft driver used to be a tow boat captain. He knew all the rivers we are about to travel this summer. We had a great ride chatting with him.
We didn't have a best night sleep again, largely due to the wall at the convention center. While incredibly handy to be downtown, the layout of the wall makes getting on and off the boat pretty tricky. Moving a pug on and off the boat was even trickier. The wall is concrete. They piling have rubber bumpers on them, which is awesome. But they added extra deep pumpers to the wall itself. When your boat is on those you're about 3 feet from the wall. Unless you have a platform or plank (and we do not) it's a bit of a step. The biggest problem, however, was trying to fend off those. They bumpers aren't soft -- they are rigid, and when your boat bumps them, you'll feel a bump. In fact we watched our fiberglass bow a bit. The bumpers are square-ish in shape. Add to that there is a tide, and it's just a chore to keep your boat off those things. And inevitably through the night, when some tow passed us, our fenders moved and we bumped. It was jarring enough to wake us.
inQuest, through the convention center parking lot. |
The Convention Center wall. See the blue bits? Those stick WAY out. |
The Tombigbee is quite lovely. I-65 bridge. |
Not a direct route, to be sure. |
How Russ drives. Remote in hand, foot on the helm. |
All day we saw this black butterflies with iridescent blue tips on their wings. |
inQuest on the Three Rivers Lake |
Good news, though. We got out early and anchored in a little lake just off the Tombigbee that's remote and quiet. So we napped as soon as we got here.
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