Where we at

Friday, March 31, 2023

Peck Lake to Pine Island, anchor

North of Vero Beach is a little island called Pine Island, just off the ICW. We've anchored here before. It's perfect protection from fast waking boats. A bit of north and south exposure, but very tolerable.

The only obstacle ahead after raising the anchor was "The Crossroads", just outside of Stuart. It's a big X of waterway, where the ICW goes north and south, and the Okeechobee waterway goes east and west. In high traffic it can be interesting to navigate. We chose Peck Lake for its close proximity to the crossroads. As planned, up and out early, and we snuck by before the masses even woke up.

Right around 10 am traffic got heavier as we continued north. We were waked a couple of times by big, fast boats that had to be worth millions. Odd that radios don't come with the price tag, which we assumed was the case from the lack of hailing they did.

Sunset on Peck Lake
Only one boater hailed us to do a slow pass. One. In three days. 

Tomorrow we'll get to Cocoa Beach and stay for a couple of nights. Some Endeavour owners have put together a little gathering for the weekend. Time to do some boat-type socializing.

2nd breakfast while underway -- corny eggs!
One of my favorites. Especially with green tabaso.
I also need to get to a grocery store. We're almost out of flour!

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