Where we at

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Salem to Boston, marina

Even though the trip was only 3 hours, we knew the weather was going to get snotty as the day went on. The winds, which had been so placid for the last week, kicked up over night. Small craft advisories surrounded the area. So, we left as the sun came up.

That said it wasn't a bad ride at all. A little lumpy on the nose but nothing worth fretting over.

We're back in Boston, and back at Charlesgate Yacht club.. Given our early start we did have to wait for "commute times" to end (which is 9:10 am) before the train bridge would open. We floated around the little bay between the lock and Tower A for about 20 minutes. They opened the bridge at the stroke of 9:10, which was quite punctual.

Foggy morning while in Salem. Thankfully, clear the day we left.

That's a skunk. While walking at sunset in Salem we noticed this
critter in someone's garden.

On the water at dawn, heading to Boston

Sharing the tiny lock with Highwind.
The yacht club is allowing us to stay through the holiday weekend. We're thrilled. Good to be back in Boston.

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