Where we at

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Maddock to Falmouth, anchor

After staying 3 nights in a quiet (albeit gloomy) anchorage the weather allowed us to make an earnest effort to start heading south. We begin unwinding our travels. First stop, back to Portland, or Falmouth which was close by.

The trip was amazing, one of the best "open water" journeys. We were underway for 3.5 hours, most of that was on the Atlantic.

There's a huge mooring field in Falmouth called Handy Boat. Alas, they only had a ball for Highwind, so we anchored off an island nearby. We had a very quiet night, so that was awesome.

Gloomy but gorgeous anchorage in Maddock.
Had it been nicer we'd have canoed and swum.
Today we DO have a ball reservation at Handy, so we'll move this afternoon. We'll stay for a couple of nights, try to do one last round of lobster here in Maine before leaving on Saturday.

Lovely day for an ocean cruise.

One of the more interesting lighthouses we've seen.
We've passed this one 4 times now. Finally got a good pic.

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