Where we at

Friday, August 9, 2024

Diamond Isle -> Portland -> Basin -> French Island (whew!)

We've had a guest onboard during this time so I'm a bit behind in my blogging.

We got to stay at the Maine Yacht Center for a couple of days to pick up Sara, a friend of a friend. We met her in Key West. She lives there, but is on a long driving tour headed north for the summer this year, and timing just worked out.

From Portland we headed to The Basin, a hurricane hole nestled in the islands nearby. There we did some canoeing and hiking, enjoying the lovely afternoon and morning we had. When the clouds came up, around 3 in the afternoon, we headed to French Island to spend a rainy night.

Canoeing around The Basin

Sara taking us on a quick hike. inQuest is 
out there, somewhere.

Today the remnants of hurricane Debby are headed our way. We have a reservation back in Portland for 3 nights, but we'll only need one. It was looking like a multi-day event up here, but now (at least on the weather apps) looks like Friday night/Saturday morning will be the brunt, and the rest of the weekend should be decent.

Rainy French Island
Some of us hope to go to a concert this weekend, and it was scheduled for outdoors. So that's a "yay!"

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