Where we at

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Staten Island to Port Washington. ball

While in Staten Island we were able to visit NYC a couple of times. We saw 2 shows, Dungeons and Dragons, which included audience participation with our phones -- very clever -- as well as Back to the Future, the Musical. The music was period, so when the story was 1985, so was the style of music, and in 1955, very much 1955 sounding! Yep, it included a Delorian! Really well done.

Of course we ate out, went to a museum, and explored the city by subway. Gotta love getting around in New York.

We decided it was time to move towards Long Island Sound. Unlike past seasons we have no real agenda or goal this year. It's been things like "cruise all the rivers" or "get to Maine" or "do the Triangle Loop". This year it's "play on Long Island Sound", which is quite open ended. No real destination or time frame. So we'll wander for a bit until September, then start our way back to Baltimore.

Lots of commuting by bus between SI and NYC.

Dungeons and Dragons! Actors play roles
and the audience helps them. We vote and assist
by our phones.

We spent some time at the new Mercer Museum.
An amazing sound and light and tech experience.

We saw Back to the Future, a Musical.

Also, there was much subway travel.
Which I truly enjoy.

We rode the Staten Island Ferry and took this pic as we did.

Manhattan in the mist. Also the lady and a ferry.
The trip to Port Washington, while short (only 4 hours), always keeps us on our toes. First we needed to get under the Verrazano Bridge, which is the narrowest point getting into the New York Harbor, and stuffed with traffic big and small. We had to play "boat Frogger" crossing to the other side of the channel between a parade of container ships and freighters.

The next challenge it getting to and through Hell's Gate. If you don't time it right you can see currents up to 5 knots, and you don't want those against you. Moreover, you're dodging the constant flow of commuter ferries that cruise at 25 knots and zip across, or back and forth, or beside you.

The first of many lighthouses we'll
see on the sound.
But we timed the current, leaving Staten Island around 1 pm, and managed to keep out of everyone's way. All in all a good trip.

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