Where we at

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Woods Hole -> Cuttyhunk -> Newport, ball

After a lovely and quiet night near Woods Hole we planned on going to Cuttyhunk. Cuttyhunk is the western-most point on the Elizabeth Islands; After lies a stretch of open water until you hit Long Island. Well, there's a small island in between but, pfft! It's open water.

We thought we'd stay at Cuttyhunk and head to Newport in the morning. But the weather was so amazing, and that open water was like glass. Moreover, it wasn't clear how nice it would be in the morning. It wasn't going to be nice by the afternoon, and we're not fans of small weather gaps.

Hard not to run when the water looks like this.
So after some lunch and naps Russ and I headed onward to Newport.

We'd had made ball requests in Newport a couple of days ago. We were put on a waitlist. So when we arrived, given we still hadn't heard, we start looking at anchorages. Russ decided to just call the harbor master and see if anything was available. Sure enough, they had a ball. Go figure! We could even stay for 4 nights.

The mooring field in Newport. One of the biggest
we've ever stayed at.

That's what we plan to do. I've been wanting to do the hike here, and we didn't get a chance to a couple of months ago, either due to weather or timing. Fingers crossed!

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