Where we at

Monday, September 9, 2024

Continued stay in Newport

The Breakers, summer cottage of the 
Vanderbilt family, from 1895 - 1972 when it was
sold to the Preservation Society
Due to weather and Russ fighting a cold we've extended our stay in Newport. Sadly, we haven't been able to explore town much as we didn't want to spread whatever Russ has. It isn't Covid, btw. He's taken a number of tests, all completely negative.

I have plans on meeting a friend in NYC next Monday for a couple of days. The weather looks like it will cooperate in making a beeline to Port Washington. From there it's just a 45 minute train ride into the city.

But for now we're bobbing a bit on the water, despite cloudless days and cooler temps.

Now, you can tour it. It's one of several mansions in Newport
that you can visit, but most say it's the grandest of them all.

We did an escape room (tomb themed if you couldn't tell)
with Hanna's folks, Rebecca and Keith. Russ sat out
due to his cold -- not a good idea to be in a small room with folks.

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